Duino Elegies

Rainer Maria Rilke

Back of the Book

Over the last fifteen years, in his two volumes of New Poems as well as in The Book of Images and Uncollected Poems, Edward Snow has emerged as one of Rainer Maria Rilke's most able English-language interpreters. In his translations, Snow adheres faithfully to the intent of Rilke's German while constructing nuanced, colloquial poems in English.

Written in a period of spiritual crisis between 1912 and 1922, the poems that compose the Duino Elegies are the ones most frequently identified with the Rilkean sensibility. With their symbolic landscapes, prophetic proclamations, and unsettling intensity, these complex and haunting poems rank among the outstanding visionary works of the century.

Why You Should Read It

Duino Elegies offers a transcendent journey into the depths of existential reflection and poetic beauty. What makes the collection compelling is Rilke's profound exploration of the human experience, captured in verses that resonate with a timeless and universal quality. The elegies delve into themes of love, death, and the search for meaning, and Rilke's lyricism elevates the emotional impact of each line. The poems are a testament to the poet's ability to articulate the ineffable, invoking a sense of awe and contemplation. For those drawn to poetry that transcends the ordinary and delves into the complexities of the human soul, Duino Elegies stands as a masterpiece that continues to inspire readers with its eloquence and depth.

Memorable Passage

Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angelic
orders? and even if one of them pressed me
suddenly to his heart: I'd be consumed
in that overwhelming existence. For beauty is nothing
but the beginning of terror, which we can just barely endure,
and we stand in awe of it as it coolly disdains
to destroy us. Every angel is terrifying.

About the Author

Rainer Maria Rilke, born in Prague in 1875, was a Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist whose significance lies in his profound exploration of the human spirit. Known for his sensitivity to the nuances of emotion and his ability to capture the transcendent in everyday experiences, Rilke's work reflects a deep connection to the mysteries of existence. His poetry and prose, including the renowned Duino Elegies and Letters to a Young Poet, respectively, resonates with a timeless and universal quality, inviting readers to engage with the complexities of love, solitude, and the quest for meaning. Rilke's legacy extends beyond his literary contributions, as his writings continue to inspire those seeking profound insights into the intricacies of the human soul.

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